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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


An iPhone home screen shows apps handy during finals.

Eight apps save students’ grades

Gabby Leon, STAFF WRITER May 18, 2017

With finals week approaching, students begin the search for the most efficient ways of studying. Listed below are eight apps that can help you based on your preference of studying.   Quizlet Based...

Teen creates app to stop cyberbullying

Kathryn Harter, Multimedia Editor March 2, 2015
Scared to speak against bullies online or in real life? There is a solution to this being put into place in Indiana.

Swipe sweeps social media

Lily Briscoe, Staff Writer February 10, 2015
In our generation, things are constantly being thrown in and out of popularity. First, it was Trivia Crack and now it is Swipe.
Student Kennedy Silverberg takes a break from studying  to play Trivia crack .

Trivia Crack Popularity

Bobby Connor, Staff Writer December 16, 2014
The new emergence of the app Trivia Crack is becoming popular in the halls of Parkway West.