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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Five Black journalists who have impacted our society through their work.

Blacks making an impact

Leah Schroeder and Mira Nalbandian February 2, 2022

The impact of Black journalists is felt year-round, not solely during Black History Month. Black writers have made immeasurable progress since the days of laws that prohibited Blacks from reading and writing....

Students participating in the protest chose not to obey the district mask mandate by not wearing their masks to school Dec. 6 in order to demonstrate their opposition to the mandate.

Anticipating the Dec. 6 anti-mask protests

Mira Nalbandian and Leah Schroeder December 6, 2021
The ongoing pandemic has exacerbated a lot of divisions in our country over masks, vaccines, medical mandates and many other issues. These divisions are present within our school. Simply walking through a busy hallway during passing period can indicate varying opinions regarding mask usage. In response to mandates which require students to wear masks in schools, a protest has been organized that has encouraged students to attend school without their masks Dec. 6, sparking even more controversy in our community.