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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Bringing down bags of donated clothing for the Quill & Scroll Clothing Drive, senior Olivia Riemer tosses them in front of the main entrance kiosk. The counselor and yearbook adviser from St. Clair High School came to pick up the donations to replenish their community closet. “When they came to pick up the clothes, it was overwhelming to see how appreciative they were of all of the donations,” Riemer said.  “We got a lot more donations than what we were anticipating, so it took a while to load all the bags into their truck.”

Photo of the week – Feb. 4

February 8, 2019
Pumping his fist in the air, senior Harry Skordos cheers his teammates on during the senior vs faculty basketball game. The event benefited the Friends of Kids with Cancer organization, and children who are diagnosed were asked to attend the game and participate by playing games during halftime. “My favorite part of the event was helping the kids during halftime. It is always so rewarding to be with people like that because it makes you appreciate the small things in life,” Skordos said.

Photo of the week – Jan. 28

Bella Hatzigeorgiou, Convergent Media Writer
February 1, 2019
Sitting criss-crossed in front of her concentration, senior Allani Gordon showcases her work at the Parkway West District Art Show on Thursday, Jan. 24. Throughout the semester, AP art students focus on one theme, or concentration, to guide their projects. “I chose decay and wanted to depict beauty within decomposition with a feminine touch,” Gordon said.

Photo of the week – Jan. 21

January 25, 2019
Introducing eighth graders to the highlights of German Club, freshman Anna Csiki-Fejer stands with sophomores Claire Reifschneider and Eva Phillips at the German Club table during Curriculum Night Jan. 15. “We printed out flyers, passed them out and told the students involved in any foreign language about our club because we are open and welcoming to all students, in German or not,” Csiki-Fejer said.

Photo of the week – Jan. 14

Ella Mercer, Convergent Media Writer
January 18, 2019
In character, sophomore Reese Berry informs classmates in Kristen Collins’ fifth hour AP World class about Ivan the Terrible. On Thursday students participated in a speed dating activity to learn about historical figures highlighted in the course. “I made a love connection with Suleiman. We were going to take over the world because we were both terrible people, but had a lot of power,” Berry said.

Photo of the week – Jan. 7

January 14, 2019
Singing “The First Noel,” senior Malik Penton harmonizes with Concert Choir at the Winter Concert Dec. 11. Students from grades seven through 12 performed at the 50th anniversary of the Winter Concert. “Being in Concert Choir, after eight years of choir, is one of the most special experiences of life. Wherever I go, I’ll always have the memories with my friends to hold onto. When I transferred junior year to Marquette and later Saint Charles West High School, I made sure choir was on my schedule because music is something I can’t live without,” Penton said.

Photo of the week – Dec. 10

December 15, 2018
Strumming with his left hand on the neck of the guitar, junior Jon Ma plays with his band Stir Fry at the Flint, Mich. benefit concert Dec. 6. Five local bands performed at the concert and raised more than $1,400 towards the Flint Water Fund. “I wasn’t that nervous because I realized there weren’t any stakes in this, no winner or loser, just some people coming together to make music for a good cause,” Ma said.

Photo of the week – Dec. 3

December 7, 2018
Cutting fabric with scissors in hand, junior Meela Abbey decorates her ugly Christmas sweater during a Fashion Club meeting after school on Nov. 29. Members of the club gathered in Family and Consumer Science teacher Renee Broemmelsick’s room to make their own holiday sweaters. “Since they were supposed to be ugly, I had to make mine ugly, but like a cute ugly, it had to have some potential,” Abbey said.

Photo of the week – Nov. 26

December 2, 2018
Sorting through canned goods Nov. 19, freshman Brinda Ambal participates in the West County Interfaith Alliance Thanksgiving drive. Members from the Hindu, Islamic and Jewish temples came together alongside Catholic and Christian church members to better understand each other's faith and provide canned food for the Parkway Food Pantry. “In a world where there is so much religious conflict, it is really great to see people come together,” Ambal said.

Photo of the week – Nov. 19

November 20, 2018
Smiling through a sudden snow fall, juniors Caroline Briscoe, Reagin Ward, Jenna Mercer and Madison Foelsch put their hoods up as they navigate through the streets of New York. Marketing students arrived in the city Wednesday to attend seminars, shop and explore. “I was already so excited for a day with my best friends, but when it started snowing is when I really felt like I was in a movie,” Mercer said.

Photo of the week – Nov. 12

Susie Seidel, Convergence Media Editor
November 16, 2018