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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Blowing into his trumpet, senior and trumpet section leader Karl Oswald practices his instrument outdoors at band rehearsal. Band has resumed rehearsals with restrictions put in place to adhere to social distancing guidelines. “One big limitation is that all of our rehearsals have to be monitored very carefully. That means I can't just pick a random day of the week for the trumpet section and myself to come together and rehearse; everything needs to be very planned out,” Oswald said. “This year, I'm looking forward to having an opportunity to play music in person with people I care about and [perform] my solo.”

Photo of the week- Sept. 8

Ulaa Kuziez, News and Sports Editor
September 11, 2020
Cheering each other on, freshmen Cora Tiemieir and Ashley Lewenski use a unique way to celebrate. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the girls were not allowed to partake in high fives or fist bumps. "We like to 'foot-five' whenever we do good," Lewenski said. "We're excited to be here and hype each other up."

Photo of the Week- Aug. 31

Michael Lolley, Staff Writer
August 31, 2020
A collage displays students preparing for the first day of school. Parkway began the school year with districtwide virtual instruction upon implementing its ‘Plan C’ for reopening. “I felt slightly nervous before the day started because I didn't know how well our internet would hold up. The thing that scares me the most is that I will never know if the internet will stay up the whole day or if it will go down,” junior Aliana Sawall said. “This experience overall has taught me that I will have to have more patience than usual because this is new to everyone, including teachers.”

Photo of the week – Aug. 24

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
August 28, 2020
Adding her Chemistry textbook to the top of a stack, junior Katie Montgomery returns school supplies and books during the end of year locker clean out. Montgomery returned supplies on the first day students were allowed back inside the building since early March. “I’m glad West is taking the safety precautions seriously. It’s weird being back, but I’m glad everyone is staying safe,” Montgomery said.

Photo of the Week – May 18

Kathryn McAuliffe, Managing Editor-in-Chief
May 21, 2020
Picking up his longboard, junior Nick Turner prepares to skate through a parking lot. During this time of social distancing, Turner has been trying to keep busy with different activities. “I’ve been watching a lot of netflix and going outside, but I like longboarding because it’s easy to pick up and ride,” Turner said.

Photo of the week – May 11

Maddy Truka, Social Media Manager + Video Editor
May 14, 2020
Using a bandana as a makeshift mask, sophomore Ellie Moriarity adjusts it on her face before she begins to drive. Moriarity believes there is always a risk associated with leaving your house during these uncertain times. “I think it's important to wear a mask right now because there is no way of knowing if you have contracted the coronavirus,” Moriarity said. “It's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to protecting those around you.”

Photo of the week – May 4

Drew Boone, Staff Writer
May 7, 2020
Sister of senior Madi Foppe, Kennedy Foppe, tapes paper hearts to her window to form a rainbow of hearts. She came up with the idea after seeing people share rainbows and wanted to incorporate hearts to represent love and kindness for healthcare and essential workers. “We enjoy [art] but we don’t get to do it a lot. During quarantine we have definitely gotten to do more,” M. Foppe said. “We had an idea to create a rainbow of hope out of hearts to spread hope and love during these uncertain times.”

Photo of the week – April 27

Fatema Rehmani, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
April 30, 2020
With his baseball season canceled, freshman Cooper Walkoff keeps up with his workouts virtually. Walkoff has trained with a personal trainer at D1, a gym, for a year now, but due to quarantine, the gym has gone virtual. “Every morning my family and I log-in virtually to D1 training classes. They start at 9:30 a.m. and it gets me out of bed,” Walkoff said. “These workouts have been good for me to stay in shape for baseball. I am looking forward to playing baseball and seeing all of my friends and teammates when this whole thing is over.”

Photo of the week – April 13

Zoe DeYoung, Staff Writer
April 16, 2020
Drilling into a wooden post, junior Sara Albarcha builds a hutch for her bunnies. From cutting the wood for the project to painting the hutch, Albarcha and her dad worked on the project together. “I really enjoy getting to create things from my own vision, and most of all, I get to spend more time bonding with my dad, which wouldn’t usually happen due to school and work,” Albarcha said.

Photo of the week- April 6

Leah Schroeder, Managing Editor-in-Chief
April 9, 2020