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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The downside to racially diverse Emojis

Betsy Wait, MANAGING EDITOR-IN-CHIEF May 4, 2015
Remember when you had to press the colon and the parentheses key to type a smiley face into an email or text?

Why SeaWorld should not be your vacation destination

Macky Kavanaugh, Staff Writer April 25, 2015
Seven reasons to skip the lines... and the Shamu Show... and SeaWorld altogether.

Education system stunts growth

Liza Tarakanova, Staff Writer April 24, 2015
Tests, tests and more tests. Sitting in a crowded classroom, in a sullen school, forced to memorize hundreds of facts and listen to monotone lessons.
Students lose motivation as summer approaches

Students lose motivation as summer approaches

Sarah Burnham, Staff Writer April 24, 2015
Sick of hearing teachers tell you school doesn't end until you turn in your final? You aren't alone.

Vaccinations protect the safety of others

Liza Tarakanova, Staff Writer April 5, 2015
Fever, runny nose, sore throat, bad cough. All these are symptoms of the measles, a disease that has been rapidly spreading throughout the United States.
Global warming warrants change

Global warming warrants change

Emily Dickson, CONCEPTUAL EDITOR-IN-CHIEF February 4, 2015
With extreme winter weather constantly hitting locations around the world, it is difficult to believe that global warming is a real problem.

Should big cats be allowed as pets?

Sydney Kinzy, PHOTO EDITOR October 17, 2014
Recent accidents involving big cats call for action on the issue of big cat ownership.
A "Proposed Facility Projects" board can be found at every school, yet there are plenty of students who still do not know what it is.

It’s time to address Proposition S

Hannah Hoffmann, TECHNICAL EDITOR-IN-CHIEF October 14, 2014
Why it's a problem that students seem to be blind to some of the bigger issues that impact Parkway and beyond.
Junior Sarah Burnham looks over ACT and SAT information in the College and Career Center.

Standardized tests inaccurately judge student abilities

Sarah Burnham, Staff Writer October 10, 2014

Like many high schoolers today, I am a college-bound student and have done everything in my power to make sure I land myself in a university after high school. Between playing a sport, doing volunteer...

Popularity gets a bad reputation

Popularity gets a bad reputation

Betsy Wait, MANAGING EDITOR-IN-CHIEF October 7, 2014
Whether you love or hate the concept, the label is still a prominent stereotype in high schools nationwide.