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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Taylor Swift "Red"

Taylor Swift “Red”

Debra Klevens, Sports Editor November 7, 2012

Taylor Swift released her highly anticipated fourth album Oct. 22, "Red."  In the first week the album sold 1.2 million copies, the highest first week sales since the 2002 release of Eminem’s “The...

We are infinite

Catharine Conway, Arts and Entertainment Editor October 29, 2012

Written, directed, produced and adapted to screen by Stephen Chbosky, Perks of Being A Wallflower released on October 12, 2012. The film stars Logan Lerman as Charlie, Emma Watson as Sam, and Ezra Miller...

A coming-of-age must read

Catharine Conway, Arts and Entertainment Editor October 29, 2012

Charlie starts his freshman year of high school in the fall of 1991. He details his year through letters written to an unknown "friend." Meeting new friends, Charlie learns to accept difficult circumstances...

Marching band places in competition

Susie Watson, News Editor October 25, 2012

The band attended a competition on Oct. 20 at Francis Howell Central.  The band came in second place in their class and won outstanding in percussion. “This is a really fun part of the season because...

Parkway Central High School presents: THE DIVINERS by Jim Leonard Jr.

Debra Klevens October 22, 2012

Parkway Central High School Theatre Department is hosting The Diviners, by Jim Leonard Jr. November 1-3 at 7:30 p.m. The Diviners takes place in the fictional town of Zion during the Great Depression,...

A Thousand Clowns

A Thousand Clowns

Catharine Conway, A&E Editor October 8, 2012

A Thousand Clowns St. Louis – October 4, 2012 Herb Gardner’s A Thousand Clowns opened Friday, Sept. 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the West High Theatre. Clowns originally opened in the 1962, a witty...