“I started playing [basketball] because I saw that my brothers were playing, and I found it fun; I started playing at age eight and have continued to play ever since. [Something] I enjoy [is] the back-and-forth competitiveness of basketball that I don’t get when I play softball, as well as our team bonding activities because I think it helps with the chemistry throughout our group and in the real world. I also enjoy winning and all of the competitive aspects. [Basketball] has brought great memories and people into my life, and I enjoy spending most of my time with them and cherish the memories my team has created. Getting to go out and play with my very best friends every day is just the best gift a girl can get. A big thing that motivates me is how much time and effort my coaches put in. I just want to work hard because they work hard, while also making my parents proud at the same time. Sometimes, it’s not an easy task being able to balance school and athletics, but with the right mindset and focusing on the goals that I have set for myself, it’s achievable. In high-pressure situations, I just go back to playing my own game [and the basics within the game] rather than focusing on everything around me because I trust my training and my practice. [My advice for upcoming players] is to keep going and continue to practice. Nobody is perfect, there is always going to be something to improve or get better at. There is always going to be someone out there who is doing better than you, and if you want to be the best, you have to keep going and push yourself to be better, but most importantly just have fun in what you’re doing.” – Siena Snyder, 12
Siena Snyder
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