“It’s my third year and fifth season of doing color guard. My mom did it when she was in high school and college, so I’ve always wanted to do it too. It’s definitely [a team and individual sport] because you have parts that have to [be cohesive and] perfect. You could be [fine] on your own, but if you’re not working together, you’re not going to do well. When I’m standing [on the turf] about to perform I go over counts and [memorize] tricky parts in my head, and before we go on, we always practice as a group and individually. [The only way to improve is to] practice, because if there’s a toss, trick or part of the work that [I] don’t know, there’s nothing [I] can do except [to] ask for help and practice until [I] get it right. I like the team aspect of it, even more than I like the performance because [there is] such an [amazing] group of people and without them, it wouldn’t be as fun.” – Victoria Gold, 11
Victoria Gold
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About the Contributor

Diana Chocheva, Yearbook Contributor
Pronouns: she/her
Grade: 10
Years on staff: 2
Who is your favorite musician? Tyler Childers.
What gets you up in the morning? My alarm.
What’s an unpopular opinion that you have? Pineapple belongs on pizza.