What school did you go to?
I grew up in St. Louis County and attended Oakville Elementary. Then, I went to Oakville Junior High. I graduated from Oakville Senior High.
How was your childhood home life?
[My homelife] was good. I am the youngest of four children. My mom was a stay-at-home mom and my dad worked, so we had a pretty traditional family for that time period. One thing that was always really special was that my mom volunteered at my school quite a bit. When we were in the younger grades — kindergarten, first grade, second grade — my mom would get to read to our class, so it was kind of like my mom was part of our school. I loved having her at school and all of my friends loved her too.

What has changed, what hasn’t?
Technology has changed how children are raised quite a bit. We did not have access to much technology in my childhood and my parents wanted us out of the house, so I had a group of friends that I played outside with constantly. When the streetlights came on, we knew when we had to come [home]. Our kids today play inside more; they have access to a lot more technology to entertain them. They don’t spend as much time with their peers as they might if everyone didn’t have access to so much technology.
Tell me a childhood story that always makes you smile.
When I was six years old, we moved from Washington, Mo. to South County, Mo. The first day that we moved into our house, I was out in the front yard, playing with my dolls while my parents were putting

boxes in the house, and a little girl just rode her bike right on up to where I was playing. She was like, ‘Can I play with you?’ Her name is Sarah, and her and I are best friends to this day. We’re going on a trip to Alaska in June together. It’s just interesting how someone [can] come out of nowhere and ask you to play and [soon] you’re friends with them forever.
What things make you nostalgic when you see/hear/smell/ feel them?
The mall. I know that teenagers today probably do not spend time at the mall like we did in the 90s, but if I just walk into a shopping mall — if I’m in Macy’s and I smell perfume or Auntie Anne’s — it makes me think of all the great times I had with my friends when we went shopping. Iit was pretty much a regular occurrence, either on a Friday or Saturday night. My core group of friends, we would go shopping, hit our favorite stores and go to the merry-go-round. A lot of us ended up having mall jobs because we just loved going there so much. It makes me sad that so many [malls] are closing down and that teenagers don’t have the appreciation that we had for them at that time.