“I went through a sport-ending injury. There was a lot of time where I questioned coming back to my sport because of how separated I felt from my team and all the complications that came with my surgery and physical therapy. It just felt like a lot was holding me back and that I shouldn’t even attempt to come back to my sport but [I had to] push past that. I’ve been playing soccer for 12 years. If I wanted to come back and play soccer, which I love, I had to rush past the pain and the mental part of not being ready to come back. I value hard work and always push myself to the limit because, if you’re not putting in 100% you won’t get anything out of it. You have your highs and lows but it’s up to you whether or how you react to them, and [the circumstances] will get better. This is just a period in your life, [and it’s] tough. But you have to work really hard. You have to [do what you] want to get past it to feel better.” – Hanna Jacquin, 10
Hanna Jacquin
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