”Sophomore year is going really well. I have gotten so many opportunities this year and [it has been] a big step up from last year. I didn’t think that was possible. I [enjoy] playing guitar in [a] jazz band. It has led me to have more guitar [playing] skills. I get to learn how to play good riffs and get more familiar with the fretboard, which is something that I wasn’t able to do by myself without a push. I love the guitar because all my idols play it, like Jimi Hendrix [and] anybody who has ever play[ed] guitar, like Rick Rubin. My band teacher has [pushed me] because I wasn’t familiar with any of the [chords] charts. I didn’t even even know how to read music before this year, so that was pretty cool just to be forced into that and learn music theory. [Advice I have for new musicians is to] practice as hard as you can build up those calluses. Got to make it hurt and then you’ll be fine.” – Addison Smith, 10
Addison Smith
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Will Gonsior • Nov 27, 2023 at 11:44 pm
Excellent job capturing the Addison Smith Experience, Emma!
You really fought for your right on this one. Reaching for the stars harder than I’m reaching with these references…
And for posterity: