“[High School] is definitely better than middle school. [I’ve been on] the step team [since middle school]. It’s been around for many years. What [we] do as a team is a form of cultural African American dance that originated in the 1800s to communicate without words. It has been used by sororities and fraternities for 50 plus years. In elementary, they came to perform at my school. So [then] I was interested in it and it made me want to join when I got to sixth grade. My mom has supported me every step of the way since I was in sixth grade. And she intends on doing it until I decide I don’t want to be on the team anymore. I look up to my mother because she has always put 10 toes down [ & devoted herself ] to me, and she just supports me in every way. She always has my back. [Step has] impacted my life, I’ve made new friends, of course. I’ve actually learned more by being on the step team. Education wise, it has [even] helped me get my grades up.” – Trent Young, 9
Trent Young
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About the Contributor

Niharika Vaidya, Staff Writer
Pronouns: she/her
Grade: 10
Years on staff: 2
Who is your favorite musician? Hunxho.
What gets you up in the morning? Money.
What’s an unpopular opinion that you have? I don’t like Cane’s.