“Whenever I was younger, I did competitive cheer and I loved it. I was mid-competition of my
cheer when my appendix ruptured. After that moment, I stopped doing competitive cheer. Obviously, it wasn’t my ideal situation to be in. I wasn’t very happy that I discontinued competitive cheer, but I decided that I wanted to start doing something else that filled the shoes of competitive cheer. That was tennis. My parents pushed me [to become] the player I am today. Of course, like any other athlete, I’ve had regrets and moments I felt proud. After all of it, I knew I was happy with the friends and the person I have become from tennis. The environment [around] tennis was just amazing. I continued playing tennis and now, freshman year, I’m on junior varsity and love it. I look forward to practices and matches after school. I love the activities we do as a team and I love how my team just bonds. Overall, taking the risk is scary but it’s worth it.” – Kaitlyn Sundermeyer, 9
Kaitlyn Sundermeyer
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