“I’ve always struggled in school. I’ve never been a straight-A student and always got the ‘you’re not stupid, you just need to work harder than others’ speech. I have an IEP and it impacts my life because being someone who has to leave the class for tests or always gets a little more time on assignments definitely is a challenge in my life. It’s hard because you always feel judged no matter what you are doing. It makes people think of you as less than you are, but in the past years, I’ve gotten used to the way my school life works. I’ve realized that it doesn’t matter and everyone has their own struggles in life. I have a great support system and even though sometimes school is a huge struggle for me it feels great to accomplish the challenges that I’ve faced,” – Audrey Leahy, 11
Audrey Leahy
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About the Contributor

Lia Emry, Staff Writer
Pronouns: she/her
Grade: 12
Years on staff: 3
What is your favorite piece of literature? I’m not sure, but I love cats.
Who is your hero? My mom.
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Sushi.