“I was painfully shy as a middle school student and early in high school. I didn’t like to ever participate in class. Luckily I don’t think it impacted me long-term in any real way, and I was able to break out of my shell a little bit by my junior and senior year of high school. I regret not continuing to train and run competitively after high school. In my senior year of track, I was still improving, but as soon as that season ended, I stopped doing any serious training or running competitively. I never picked it up again, so I regret that I never reached my peak in running. My parents had the biggest impact on me for sure, but my high school cross-country coach probably influenced my career choice more than anybody. He was the first one who planted the idea of me working in education. I had such a good experience running high school cross country with him that I decided I wanted to work at a high school in the future, and he also made the first phone call to get me a foot in the door at West. I am proud that I decided to go into teaching even though it really did not come naturally to me. I have never been someone who liked to be the center of attention or had a lot to say, so teaching was not something I really ever saw myself doing. I knew I didn’t want to work in an office, and I had a great experience in my own education and some great teachers and coaches who influenced me, so I decided that teaching was something I might be able to pursue. It was not easy, but I am proud that I tried it and have stuck with it. I am looking forward to biking the Katy Trail this summer, hopefully with a few fellow math teachers.” – Kevin John
Kevin John, Math
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About the Contributor

Lia Emry, Staff Writer
Pronouns: she/her
Grade: 12
Years on staff: 3
What is your favorite piece of literature? I’m not sure, but I love cats.
Who is your hero? My mom.
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Sushi.