“My first two years of high school I don’t even consider to count. Freshman year I honestly don’t even remember [what we learned] and it was cut short. I was virtual my entire sophomore year and took the time to focus on academics, dance and myself. The pandemic definitely caused me to lose motivation during my sophomore year. It took a lot of effort during my junior year to jump back into staying focused and taking school seriously. Junior year, I met a freshman on poms named Poppi Wright, she’s meant so much to me ever since. We’re very similar, it’s weird. We clicked instantly and I just absolutely adore her. Throughout high school, one unforgettable moment for me was joining the yearbook staff. I absolutely adore [journalism teacher Debra] Klevens and taking her class was the best decision I made. I found a true passion in designing and making yearbook spreads. I got really into it and by my senior year, I was made an editor. I love going to Klevens room after other classes I don’t enjoy as much. I’m a student aide for her so I have her every day and I love it. I honestly feel like I had two true years of high school, my junior and senior year. I’m most proud that I just survived the journey. I can say I was in high school during a pandemic and still managed to get into college, continued dancing and formed new relationships.” – Kelsea Wilson, 12
Kelsea Wilson
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About the Contributor

Lia Emry, Staff Writer
Pronouns: she/her
Grade: 12
Years on staff: 3
What is your favorite piece of literature? I’m not sure, but I love cats.
Who is your hero? My mom.
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Sushi.