“My biggest passion is dance. I enjoy it because it lets me express myself and it has created so many amazing friendships. I’ve been dancing probably since I was three years old and it’s definitely made me more outgoing. I’ve always struggled with speaking out, so using dance to show my emotions is really helpful. Last year, I got diagnosed with an eating disorder, and I had to stop doing dance, which was really hard. Having the setback of losing all my muscles and strength was extremely difficult for me mentally, but now the feeling of dancing again and being back at the studio, it’s amazing. Even though it’s only a small amount of what I was doing beforehand, it’s the best. I just can’t wait every single time I go into the dance studio, and having dance as this way of being able to show my emotions is really special.” – Lila Hartle, 10.
Lila Hartle
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About the Contributor

Samir Shaik, Multimedia Editor-in-Chief
Pronouns: he/him
Grade: 12
Years on staff: 4
Who is your favorite musician? Ariana Grande.
What gets you up in the morning? The thought of new day and the opportunities that it could bring.
What’s an unpopular opinion that you have? Owalas are the best kind of water bottles.