“What makes me the happiest in my day is getting to do what I like, like drawing and doing all my hobbies. I like to draw because it’s fun and I’m good at it. Drawing has helped me with stress in school because I really get to relax when I’m doing it and I don’t really have to think about everything hard going on. And my favorite thing to draw would probably be people. I feel like I would mainly just draw at home because I feel most comfortable at home and I guess all my materials are there. Drawing isn’t really like what I feel it’s more of like creativity that I feel like doing on paper. Like I usually talk about my feelings so drawing is just like an alternative way. To relax. So if someone’s really good with a pencil and paper then they should try drawing as a hobby.’’ – Naira Ali, 10
Naira Ali
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About the Contributor

Dana Zafarani, Photo of the Week Editor
Pronouns: she/her
Grade: 12
Years on staff: 3
What is your favorite piece of literature? My favorite piece of literature is poetry. I love how poetry opens the door for me to be as creative as I want with words.
Who is your hero? My family and the group of supporters that surround me.
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? It would most likely be a traditional persian food. I just can’t get enough of it!