Abruptly pulled out of Honors English I for a surprise fire drill, freshman Samir Shaik kills time on the football field by having a thumb war with freshman Mya Jenkins. Shaik’s class was working on a research project before they were interrupted by the fire drill and took the moment to just relax and have fun. “Mya and I were goofing off, not really doing anything in particular. I was just having a lot of fun, and I’m glad [this moment] was captured,” Shaik said.
Photo of the Week- Oct. 22
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About the Contributor

Tanvi Kulkarni, Features Editor
Pronouns: she/her
I am a senior, and this is my second year on staff. The Pathfinder has helped me become more involved with the school community and push myself as a writer and student. My favorite quality about myself is that I’m curious and an attentive listener, which helps me to learn different facets of the story I’m writing. Outside of the Pathfinder, I take music and art classes and am involved in several clubs at school. This year, I hope to finalize my plans for college and maybe pick up a new hobby.