Sister of senior Madi Foppe, Kennedy Foppe, tapes paper hearts to her window to form a rainbow of hearts. She came up with the idea after seeing people share rainbows and wanted to incorporate hearts to represent love and kindness for healthcare and essential workers. “We enjoy [art] but we don’t get to do it a lot. During quarantine we have definitely gotten to do more,” M. Foppe said. “We had an idea to create a rainbow of hope out of hearts to spread hope and love during these uncertain times.”
Photo of the week – April 27
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Photo of the WeekPhoto of the Week - March 14
Photo of the WeekPhoto of the Week - March 7
Photo of the WeekPhoto of the Week - February 21
Photo of the WeekPhoto of the Week - February 21
Photo of the WeekPhoto of the Week - February 14
Photo of the WeekPhoto of the Week - February 7
Photo of the WeekPhoto of the Week - January 31
Photo of the WeekPhoto of the Week - January 24
Photo of the WeekPhoto of the Week - January 17
Photo of the WeekPhoto of the Week - December 20
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About the Contributors

Fatema Rehmani, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
Grade: 12
Years on Staff: 3
What has been your favorite quarantine hobby? Baking!! And watching baking shows
Is a hot dog a sandwich? A breaded taco at best.
Who is someone that inspires you? My mom <3

Madi Foppe, Staff Writer