Balancing monkeys on a tree, senior Fernando Gonzalez participates in a Beta Omicron Kappa (BOK) volunteering opportunity at the Early Childhood Center. BOK members went to the Early Childhood Center once every month to play with and read to the children. “I enjoyed going and watching the kids’ faces light up when we played with them while they waited for their parents,” Gonzalez said. “The little boy was a lot better at balancing the monkeys than I was, as you can see with my intense focus and his calm demeanor.”
Photo of the week – Jan. 13
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About the Contributor

Lydia Roseman, News and Sports Editor
Grade: 12
Years on Staff: 3
What’s your coffee order? Grande iced caramel latte with almond milk.
What song describes you best? Straightjacket by Quinn XCII (psycho from a Midwest suburb).
What is the one thing you cannot live without? Hummus.