Looking ahead, junior Joyce Suh reads the green while senior Kacie Bergh takes her shot. “Kacie and I played together in every match except for one this year. In one match, on the last hole, she got her ball stuck in a tree and then we got a club stuck in the tree trying to get it out. We always joked about that happening, but it was a lot funnier when it actually did,” Suh said.
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About the Contributor

Grade: 12
Years on Staff: 4
If you were a fictional character, who would you be? Biggie Cheese
Does the toilet paper go over or under on the roll? I don’t care enough to put the roll on the holder; it just sits on the counter.
How many alarms do you set in the morning to get up on time? One on my alarm clock that I snooze every five minutes for 20 minutes.
Favorite Quote: “People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.” -Pablo Coelho, the Alchemist