Twenty-three-year-old Selena Gomez made her way to the top of the Billboard 200 for a second time, but with a whole new sound and attitude.
After releasing two albums under Disney’s Hollywood Records, the former teen-pop sensation is reinventing herself with her newest album Revival under Interscope Records. Dropping the bubblegum-pop anthems for more mature and (dare I say) provocative tracks, it is clear in her newest single “Same Old Love” that Gomez has shed her goody-goody persona and is revealing her true self.

Album cover used by permission.
“I was being held to this expectation of being the good girl… forcing something that wasn’t right,” Gomez said in a recent New York Times interview.
The music video matches the mature sound of the song. Using a big-city nightlife for the backdrop, Gomez is a fly on the wall, looking in on various relationships. The video is just one of many hits for director Michael Haussman, who has worked on videos with other artists such as Justin Timberlake, Kanye West and Madonna.
With a sultry club beat and catchy chorus, “Same Old Love” is no doubt on its way to radio’s top 10. Gomez has managed to keep original fans’ attention by growing up alongside them and writing lyrics that reflect their new stage of life. However, this ploy may separate Gomez from reaching the younger generations.
All in all, Gomez’s latest pop hit is worthy of the internet buzz and radio plays it’s receiving and is nothing short of what is expected of a young artist who is trying to transition into adulthood. Hopefully, the rest of Revival will produce many more hits for the former Disney star.
Parkway West Pathfinder gives “Same Old Love” 7.0/10.