Promposals: far from #basic
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FeaturesShamrock shuffle
FeaturesLiving the dream
FeaturesManaging finance and footwear
FeaturesInside “authentic words from the heart”
FeaturesLove that comes in every form
FeaturesThe voice of change
FeaturesBeyond the net
FeaturesThe long run
FeaturesBlending worlds together
FeaturesThe eagle’s flight
ShowcaseRigor mortis!
ShowcaseThrough the looking-glass
ShowcaseA legacy of leadership and excellence in sports
ShowcaseLives on the line: Gun violence’s impact on America
ShowcaseSeason of giving, season of getting
ShowcaseSpread the wealth
ShowcaseFrom practice to performance
ShowcaseAnd the winner is…
ShowcaseHaunting highlights
ShowcaseActivity across ages: Generational differences in political engagement
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About the Contributor

Kyla Hatton, Sports Editor
Grade: 12
College / Future Plans? UCLA/UBC
Swag Level (1-10): Jacob Cupps
Fun Fact I can’t touch my tongue to my nose.