“Six years ago I was involved at the Emerson Child Building in East St. Louis for motivational speaking. I talked to them about success over failure. Most of these kids were dropouts, gangbangers, and drug users.”
“What type of motivational talk did you give them?”
“ I said “You have a choice in life. You can either be successful or you can fail, but you can succeed without illegal activity.” Most of them enjoyed the business part, so I educated them with information about funds, grants and ways how you can start your own small business. A couple kids wanted to stay in contact after the meeting but I’m not permitted to give out personal information. Once in a while, there will be a kid who is so heart felt, so I give them my number and let them know they can call me when they need to.”
“What other ways do you contribute to the community?
“I am a pastor. I am are very involved with the church and helping the community and I sing at a nursing home every first Sunday of the month. People have left their loved ones there and knowing that I can bring excitement and happiness to them when I come is remarkable. I can make a difference in other peoples lives.”
“What keeps you so positive and happy in life?”
“Breathing. Helping. I have the opportunity everyday to help someone and when they reply “Thank you” I know I’m making a difference. That keeps me motivated. I love people. I love my job. I love life.”