Diving for the ball, junior Ela Sutcu attempts to keep the ball in play during a game of sand volleyball on Aug. 19. The girls volleyball program met at Vlasis Park for Sister Saturday, a day spent getting to get to know one another outside of practice. “It was exciting to meet all the new players. We had a very relaxing day with bagels and watermelon for breakfast. After we scrimmaged we all got to tie-dye our team shirts. The day got everyone pumped for the season,” Sutcu said.
Sandy Sister Saturday
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SnapshotReady for takeoff
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SnapshotPainting her future
SnapshotTaking one for the team
SnapshotVolley for victory
Snapshot14 Seniors presented with "Glory of Missouri Award"
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About the Contributor
Rachel Ellis, Staff Writer
Grade: 12
ExtraCurricular Activities: Peer Teaching, Boys Volleyball Manager, Yearbook, Volleyball, Guitar
What I like about the Pathfinder: The Pathfinder is a great way to get news and also connects students to current issues so they can become more aware of how people in our community are affected by things around us. There are a lot of different points of view and everyone can share their opinion.
How would you describe yourself: I like to be a leader, I like to listen to people, I am responsible and like to be in charge of things. I love to write and like to learn more about people and their stories.
Quote: “Live to express not to impress.”
Where do you hope to go to college: University of Arkansas or Ball State University