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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


A photo illustration depicting the constant reminders of the social lives on our phones.

Feuding fandoms and hostile hate-comments: the attack of internet culture

Anna Claywell and Emily Early October 4, 2021

Most of us know the stereotype about Twitter: it’s intense. People sharing their interests with a little too much passion and tearing other people apart just because of a difference of opinion. Over...

A Parkway student checks the latest updates on the thread on Parkway Schools' twitter page.

Twitter creates chaos as students demand snow day

Dani FIscher, MANAGING EDITOR-IN-CHIEF January 12, 2018

[View the story "Twitter creates chaos as students demand snow day" on Storify]

Fall fashion lookbook

Fall fashion lookbook

Madeline Burns, Staff Writer October 14, 2015
All it takes is a step outside at six in the morning to know that autumn has kicked in.
An artistic rendition of what the Anonymous author practices in his/her free time.

Anonymous new Assange-type creates enthralling Twitter account

Jacob Cupps, Editor-in-Chief August 20, 2015
"A social media mastermind has... taken the reigns of tradition into his/her own hands."
Sophomore Ashley Avery poses with the newest shirt that includes universal hashtag #PWestPride on the back.

#PWestPride: A universal hashtag for the West Community

Rachel Ellis, Staff Writer March 6, 2015

Hashtag: the word you hear everywhere across social media. Hashtags mark keywords or topics in a Tweet like #selfie, #humpday and #springbreak. It was created by Twitter users as a way to categorize information...

All roads lead to West: Storify

All roads lead to West: Storify

Jacob Cupps, Editor-in-Chief October 13, 2014
The Students and Staff of Parkway West describe Homecoming Week on Social Media.