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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Students (attempt to) answer West trivia

Nora Penhallegon, Staff Writer October 23, 2015
Jimmy Kimmel often asks people on the streets random trivia questions. This is our interpretation.
During an after-school meeting on Jan. 20, Latin Club members participated in a trivia contest.

Latin Club Rises from “Ancient History”

Emily Dickson, CONCEPTUAL EDITOR-IN-CHIEF January 21, 2015

If you stroll through the language department, you will see classrooms for four languages. Three of them, Spanish, German and French, are spoken by millions of people around the world. One of them is extinct:...

As a part of the band family, juniors Allison Wills, Matt Soehngen and sophomore Jacob Mueller practice their instruments. "Most of my closest friends I met through band," Wills said. "Without it, I probably wouldn't even know some of them."

Band Boosters bring in money with trivia

Bronte Segura, Staff Writer January 19, 2015

In a room of family and friends, the Band Boosters, a parent volunteer group, hosted a Trivia Night to support the band on Saturday, Jan. 10, at Trinity Lutheran Church. “The Band Boosters have put...