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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Thirst Project

Thirst Project

Madi Michajiliczenko, Staff Writer December 22, 2020

Members of the Thirst Project club raise money to help build freshwater wells in developing communities in hopes of aiding the fight against the global water crisis. Every other Friday at 2:30 p.m., members...

With an effort to raise money for their Thirst Project fundraiser, juniors Salma Ahmed and Sarenna Wood sold their bracelets during lunch Jan. 31. They plan to reach a total of $6,000 dollars by the end of the school year, all of which will be donated to the national Thirst Project. “Being able to sell our bracelets and raise money for people in need makes me feel great, and it is such a great opportunity to help others,” Wood said. “Watching people [that] live in poor countries faces light up when they see that people are donating money to give water is very emotional, and I think that the world needs more of these people.”

Thirst Project Club raises more than $2,000 during the first week of fundraising

Jacob Stanton, Staff Writer February 19, 2020

With a passion for helping others, students in the Thirst Project Club, including junior and Club President Salma Ahmed, junior Sarenna Wood and sophomore Connor Gusky, have already raised more than $2,000...

Member of the Thirst Project Club and junior Sarenna Wood designs wristbands for the club fundraisers. Wood said her favorite part of the club is the energy they have when talking about their projects. “Everyone just gets so excited and starts thinking of more ways to raise money and support for the project,” Wood said. “It’s a really great cause and I’m super proud to be a part of it.”

Thirst Project Club aims to make a difference by building a well

Hannah Choi, Staff Writer January 20, 2020

After an official Road Warrior from the Thirst Project headquarters came to talk to junior Salma Ahmed’s Biology class about their organization, a group of five junior women became inspired to start...