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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The stories of student cadet teachers assisting in classrooms.

Cadet teachers reporting for duty

Madi Michajliczenko, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief May 27, 2021

Able to complete administrative tasks like collecting materials, grading papers and passing out books, student cadet teachers gain experience teaching first-hand without the responsibility of teaching....

Seniors have a wide variety of colleges to pick from as they search for the school that is right for them.

Senior struggles with college applications during the era of COVID-19

Bri Davis, Staff Writer December 7, 2020

“It feels like you're taking your pants off in front of a whole crowd.” That is how senior Amina Aser describes her college applications process. The fear of being vulnerable to those close to you...

Screwing bolts into the sukkah, senior and National Honor Society member Tengis Kelley volunteers at United Henrew Congregation to help prepare for Sukkot, a Jewish holiday. Sukkot celebrates the way God protected the Jewish people during their years spent journeying through the desert to the Promised Land. "The Sukkah will be used as the synagogue's sukkah for practitioners to come and commune and feast during Sukkot, hence why this one is relatively large," Kelley said. "I really enjoyed the experience and the chance to learn something new whilst volunteering."

Photo of the Week- Sept. 28

Arden Dickson, Staff Writer October 2, 2020