![Posing for a picture, seniors Claire Folkins and Lauren Beach wear their handmade hoodies from their small business @sundaymorning_stl. Folkins and Beach knew their target market and saw the opportunities from starting their own business. “We want [our customers] to feel like they are living like their Pinterest board,” Folkins said. “We found a way to make the sweatshirts many teens want, affordable and customizable which is different from a professional online shop.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/IMG_8526-e1643036953518-900x735.jpg)
Creating sweatshirts and smiles; a small business inspires students during difficult times
Maddy Bach, Yearbook Contributor
• January 25, 2022

Sophomore Ava Relihan gets a kick start on the college recruiting process
Ava Bauman, CJ1 Writer
• January 24, 2022
![Junior Elle Rotter’s collection of five ducks sits lined up on a table. Rotter felt joyful finally finding a duck for herself. “I remember all day [when the ducks were first put out] looking for them in the hallways, library and at lunch,” Rotter said. “A lot of my friends found one before me but I finally found one in the library the next day. I instantly felt so happy. I remember [also] feeling dumb for being so happy and proud, but I quickly shrugged that feeling off and have since enjoyed keeping my eye out for the ducks around the school.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/IMG-1531-900x601.jpg)
Duck, duck…on the loose?
Katie Wallace, Staff Writer
• January 20, 2022
![The greatest struggle in my life would probably have to be losing my grandpa. I lost my grandpa this past July and there was a two-week span where, after my grandpa passed, a lot of other stuff happened too. I kind of bunkered down in my shell for a little bit there. I didn’t go out or see any of my friends much over those two weeks. When I did, all I thought about was the loss of my grandpa. Losing someone is hard. He was one of my biggest inspirations. My grandparents lived in Florida. Any chance they got to travel to Missouri, they would. I will always cherish those moments even more than I did in the moment. My grandpa loved to watch me and my sister play sports, especially [when I played] soccer. Whenever I would talk to him on the phone, he always told me to get out of my head because that was something I did a lot. [He] told me that I would be fine and to keep my head up. I looked up to him throughout my life. I never saw my grandpa without a smile on his face. [He was] always so funny and always loved to crack jokes. Knowing he won’t be there for my big milestones, like [when I] graduate high school, is something really difficult to deal with. He was one of the hardest workers. He served in the Vietnam war [and] then went back to Gloucester, Ohio where he worked in the coal mines for 15 years. Rain, shine, happy, upset, angry—he worked through it all to support my dad and aunt. My papa loved his family so much and showed it by goofing around all the time. I remember one time when I was seven and my papa and I were watching Nascar and my favorite driver had always been Kyle Bush. Papa said something like, ‘I hope Kyle spins out.’ Papa knew how angry I would get but always made it up with a hug. I aspire to be like him every day. My grandpa made himself who he was and always stayed true to himself. So I would say that [losing him] was really a struggle.” - Derrien Gatchel, 11](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/kgatchel-1-900x675.jpeg)
Humans of Parkway West 2021-22
Convergence Journalism 1 Staff
• January 19, 2022

School, sports and Swedish sedans
Joseph Denklau, Guest Writer
• October 25, 2021

Junior Scott Peterson stays connected to his father through his passion for cars
Joseph Denklau, Staff Writer
• June 3, 2021

The dynamic duo: Jaladi brothers ace the season
Elle Rotter, Deputy Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
• June 2, 2021

From softball catcher to lacrosse goalie, freshman Rachel Livak defends her rankings
Tre Bell, Staff Writer
• June 1, 2021

Aspiring authors: Creative Writing Students publish short stories
Madi Michajliczenko, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
• May 28, 2021

The stories his skateboards could tell
Tre Bell, Staff Writer
• May 7, 2021