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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Comedians Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David came up with the idea for the premise of “Seinfeld,” the show about nothing, after they realized that there’s nothing funnier than two funny people just talking. “[‘Seinfeld’ is different from other sitcoms] because no other show delves as deeply into the intricacies of society in a way that Jerry Seinfeld and the crew do whenever they get into wacky adventures,” said senior and “Seinfeld” enthusiast Tommy Eschbach.

No hugging, no learning

Lauren Holcomb, Staff Writer April 29, 2024

  What’s the deal with the “Seinfeld” finale?  Long-running HBO sitcom “Curb Your Enthusiasm” recently ended on April 7th, 2024. The finale episode, “No Lessons Learned,” was...