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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Senior Sahana Gujja and her mom proudly hold up a diploma at her mother’s graduation. Gujja’s mom graduated from the University of Illinois Springfield under a student visa, where she completed her second master’s degree. “I remember feeling excited and happy for her when they called her name, and she walked up towards the stage,” Gujja said. “I saw her study hard for the past two years before that while taking care of me simultaneously, and I was just really proud that she was a good mother. She is a great mother, and she accomplished everything she hoped for at the same time.”

Silent Struggles of Immigrant Children

Tanvi Kulkarni, Features Editor May 3, 2022

Anyone who has taken an American history course has heard of the melting pot analogy. Immigration has always been central to American history, and even today, America welcomes people from around the globe....

There are many diverse holidays celebrated throughout the winter season in the U.S.

The holidays behind the holiday season

Mira Nalbandian, Managing Editor-in-Chief December 14, 2020

As the U.S. transitions into the colder months, with a chill in the air and frost lining fields of grass, many Americans find the holiday season upon them again. Commercials advertise multitudes of gifts,...