Six songs for your international playlist
Sravya Reddy Guda, Staff Writer
• January 12, 2024
![Sophomore Rand Al-Hachami poses for a picture at school, donning her hijab and Zulfiqar sword necklace. Even though Islamophobia is very present, Al-Hachami says she has met a lot of positive reactions concerning her decision to start wearing hijab. “[Hijab symbolizes] positive character traits that Islam promotes, like dependability and honesty,” Al-Hachami said. “Wearing it has made me feel closer to my Muslim friends as well as to my religion in general.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/randfeaturedphoto-900x600.jpg)
“I’m stronger than anything anybody could try to do to me”
Katie Wallace, Staff Writer
• May 23, 2022