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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Celebrating the third win of the season, senior Elliot Krewson and sophomore Tyler Lang finish the game with a shoulder bump before leaving the field. The team beat SLUH 8-0, March 26, and began the season with three consecutive wins. “The beginning of the season made it clear that we would be special,” Lang said. “I think we all knew that we had a solid lineup and everyone had the intent of making it far into the playoffs.”

Bird noises and bocce balls: Varsity baseball has their most successful season in over 10 years

Michael Lolley, Staff Writer May 14, 2021

Finishing up the regular season 21-3, varsity baseball was selected as the first seed in the second district of class five, the highest the team has been seeded since before 2009. The last time the team...

Lined up on the brick wall behind the baseball field, fans and younger players sit and watch varsity defeat CBC 16-6, Wednesday, March 31. The team rallied for eight runs in an explosive fifth inning, leading to an inevitable mercy-rule finish after five innings. “The student section at baseball games was really laid back and a lot of fun as we talked about the game more and explained certain situations to people who were confused or interested in learning,” senior fan Carson McCormack said. “The fans were able to be around the great weather and talk with friends.”

No spectator regulations leads to huge fan turnout at varsity baseball games

Michael Lolley, Staff Writer April 9, 2021

Varsity baseball has started their season with seven wins and one loss, their best start since 2006 when the team finished 14-10. A big difference between this year and years past? Fan turnout. Because...

Junior right-handed pitcher Matt Perego has five wins on the season, beating teams such as Affton and Clayton.

Pitching and defense paves the way

Bobby Connor, Staff Writer May 3, 2016
The varsity baseball team is on a four game winning streak.
Sophomore Judson Martin stares straight ahead as he focuses on lifting  weights during longhorn power.

Longhorn Power shaping up

Bobby Connor, Staff Writer December 17, 2014
Longhorn Power is an after school program with the focus of maintaing shape in the off season for non-winter sport athletes.