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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Preparing to go to her job as a bagger at Schnucks, Davis puts on her face mask and gloves. While most students are staying home, Davis goes out each day as an essential worker.

The life of a teenage pandemic worker

Bri Davis, Staff Writer April 20, 2020

I step outside of my house with my mask on, ready to go. Ready to go to the same place I’ve been going since quarantine started: Schnucks. It was a job that I applied for before this all started. I had...

Illustration created at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The coronavirus outbreak and the challenges that lie ahead

Ridwan Oyebamiji, Features Section Editor March 25, 2020

When the coronavirus outbreak first made headlines worldwide, the tone around the disease almost felt like a joke. Not many people judged the severity of the situation correctly because the disease originated...

Missouri is asking state residents to practice social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. During these times, look to simple and helpful ways to make a change for others and yourself.

The Quaran-teen’s guide to social distancing

Kathryn McAuliffe, Managing Editor-in-Chief March 22, 2020

As week one of our three week breaks winds down (yay?) cabin fever is heating up. Binge-watching an entire season of Parks and Rec just isn’t as satisfying as it was on day one. To combat the boredom...