![“When I was in eighth grade, my grandma passed away. My grandma lived right next to me, and when she passed away, it was very strange to see someone else moving into [her] house. After she passed, my grades started dropping and I took her death very hard. I was very close to my grandma my whole life. As a child, I would go to her house and make chocolate chip cookies; which helped me bond with her. She showed me how important it is to donate and be active in the Church. My grandma helped me grow closer to God because she was very close with Him. She taught me how to be a better person.” - Juli Moellenhoff, 10](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/image1-7-900x600.jpg)
Juli Moellenhoff
Kate Roland, Staff Writer
• August 22, 2023
![Following a district announcement that Latin A and B will be removed from course registration at the middle school, teachers and students with ties to the language have been disappointed. However, some Latin students are taking strides to promote enrollment to rising freshmen. “Even if [the administration] is making these decisions based on numbers, there is a human element that should be considered. How does this affect other teachers? How does this affect families? How does it affect your financial bottom line? As Parkway moves towards a student choice schedule, we need to allow all possible options: including Latin,” Latin teacher Tom Herpel said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/DSC_0024-copy.jpg)
The loss of a language
Madi Michajliczenko, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
• March 2, 2023

Pencil and paper: How sophomore Karthik Dulla taught himself through middle school
Nidhi Pejathaya, Staff Writer
• November 3, 2022

Junior Vicky Marshall raises autism awareness through rally for brother
Maddie Hoffmann, Staff Writer
• February 10, 2017

Orchestra set to host concert on Oct. 26
Wonsong Lee, Convergent Media Writer
• October 26, 2016

Sticking With It
Kyla Hatton, Sports Editor
• October 1, 2014

Students spend time with siblings at sixth grade camp
Jane Fuller, Staff Writer
• September 30, 2014