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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


“My favorite hobby would have to be drawing. I started drawing because my mom is an artist and has a career involving art, and that inspired me to create art. When I was younger, I looked up to my mom when I did art. But now that I have branched out by finding what I wanted to do and started learning independently, she serves more as a foundation than a guideline. We draw together on occasion, but it's been more of an independent thing for me recently, but I show her my art, and she gives me tips sometimes. But the best thing I’ve learned is how to deal with my emotions in a healthy manner through art, and it's helped me exponentially.” 
- Lucy Moore, 9

Lucy Moore

Addison Merz, CJ1 Writer May 27, 2022