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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


For the past three years, Parkway has administered high school finals after winter break, a practice that proves to be detrimental to the success as well as the mental health of students. With finals after break appearing to do more harm than good, the question of what changes can be made arises time and time again. “The pressure for finals is difficult, and to have that [pressure for] a few weeks because you're on [a] break can make you generally sad. It's a bummer in general. I wish [finals] were before break, so we [could] have a break to sleep, celebrate and not study. Everyone I've talked to about it is like 'yeah, finals sucks,' and I wish that wasn't a thing,” junior Meadow Kostial said.

Post-break panic

The problem Beginning in the 2020-21 school year, a new schedule — pushing back the academic year and shifting finals to after winter break — was adopted district-wide. From students to teachers,...

History teacher Zaven Nalbandian stands outside of a polling place at the St. Louis County Government Center. Nalbandian experienced socially distant lines, mask wearers and a comfortable and tolerant feeling in the air. “I stood in the rain for the chance to once again exercise my right. I was feeling nostalgic as I thought back to that Tuesday in November in 1988 when I walked into the gym at Francis Howell North High School and punched the card," Nalbandian said. "St. Louis County is still using those old voting stands that look like ‘80s suitcases, but there are no more punch cards. I did get to keep the pen they gave me."

Despite a pandemic, students and teachers exercise their right to vote

Thomas Bruns, Opinions/A&E editor November 2, 2020

As the 2020 election season comes to a close, students and faculty alike are preparing to vote on Nov. 3. This is seniors’ first time at the ballot, and for teachers, their first time voting during a...

While in AP 2D Design and Photography, senior Sarah Lashly cuts out pictures of artist examples for her most recent project. This AP course went through major curriculum changes this year and now requires students to do more writing along with their photography projects. “I love the class because I get to be creative and express what I feel, but it is also very stressful for me since the curriculum is so new and different,” Lashly said.

AP teachers speak out about College Board changes

Grace Kaempfe, Convergence Journalism Writer December 12, 2019

AP teachers are adjusting to the changes College Board made over the summer while also trying to maximize student exam and portfolio performances. The College Board is a national organization that provides...