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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


“Me and a fellow freshman, Jaswitha Tummala, have both been really interested in [starting] Science Olympiad [this year]. [I] did science bowl for all three years in middle school, and last year I led my team to Nationals [as] the captain. I know that all the other schools have enough interest in this subject to host full Science Olympiad teams [with around] 15 people. I didn't think [students at] West had [a lot of] interest, [but] we have almost 30 people ready to form two teams. We’re going to dip our toes in this year and see how things [will] run, and how many people are committed. Next year, after we [have] figured out those logistics, I was thinking about [hosting] a science bowl [which is when] a team with four people plus one alternate person, gets seven seconds to answer a toss-up question related to either Physics, Biology, Math, Chemistry or Energy. If [they] get it right, [the] whole team answers a bonus question. The team with the most points at the end wins the round. It's head-to-head, and there are a lot of heated rounds where two teams have to fight out their buzzes within milliseconds. I'm super excited to start [a club] that can make a lasting impact on student lives, especially those who have a passion for [science], like I do.” - Alisha Yin, 9

Alisha Yin

Sravya Reddy Guda, Staff Writer February 12, 2024