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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Scrolling on eBay, sophomore Ryder Williams searches the app for different shoe styles. Williams credits the impact his completion of business and finance courses have had to gain his financial success, as well as his Personal Finance teacher, Andy Croley.  “Croley helped me a lot in getting to know more about profit and where to put the money. [He] also [taught me] how to store my money, ways to invest it [and] that I should always have emergency funds,” Williams said.

Managing finance and footwear

Payton Dean, Staff Writer 16 hours ago

Math homework? Check. Vocabulary quiz? Done. Make $200? On it. Pulling out his laptop, sophomore Ryder Williams opens eBay and scrolls through the seemingly endless catalog of footwear.  Like many...