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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Moving her hand to to copy the leader, freshman Harlei Young participates in the ‘say it and do it’ activity in the third common ground of the year.  The main focus of this activity was to examine the concept of honor and if students would remove themselves from the game if they did not follow the leader. “Common Ground is great because it gives us a place to ask questions and a group of people to talk to,” Young said. “We play games as a group and it lets us get to know other students.”

Photo of the week – Oct. 29

Drew Boone, Staff Writer November 1, 2019

Discussing ideas for lessons, junior Sabrina Bohn, sophomore Ulaa Kuziez and junior Kaitlyn Faber plan for upcoming Common Ground meetings. The trio plan to design the Common Ground curriculum for the 2019-2020 school year. “I hope, overall, that Common Ground more effectively reaches students and allows for a more comfortable place where we can discuss the issues that the school is facing,” Bohn said.

Common Ground undergoes second revamp

Zaven Nalbandian, STAFF WRITER May 14, 2019

Common Ground will be undergoing an overhaul starting in August, where multiple students from the  Superintendent’s Social Justice Leadership Advisory Council (SSJLAC) are planning to form a new club...

Students talk during a class discussion.

Common Ground kills class time

During the 2016-17 school year, there are 12 Common Ground days built into its schedule, taking away seven hours of class time.
Hiding for safety

Hiding for safety

Sydney Kinzy, PHOTO EDITOR January 27, 2015

On Jan. 21 during Common Ground junior Vericia Pearson hides under a table during an intruder drill. Students in the classrooms barricaded the doors with desks, chairs and backpacks. "Doing the drill made...

Following the Intruder Drill procedure, junior Vericia Pearson hides underneath the desk.

Students practice for potential intruders

Claire Martin, Staff Writer January 22, 2015
Students describe their experience during Common Ground which practiced the Intruder Drill.

I Am Norm

Stephanie Quoss, Staff Newscaster December 8, 2014
Students define and identify what is normal, from their perspective.
Students determine their true colors

Students determine their true colors

Lily Briscoe, Staff Writer August 29, 2014
At the first common ground on Aug. 27, grades 10-12 participated in a personality quiz, used to know each other bettter.