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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Giving attention to a cat at the shelter, junior Karen Trevor-Roberts performs her responsibilities as a volunteer. Instead of only working two days a week, Trevor-Roberts now works six days a week at the shelter, due to COVID-19. “The animal shelter gives me a place to go so I don’t feel stuck in my house,” Trevor-Roberts said.

Junior Karen Trevor-Roberts uses COVID-19 time to volunteer at an animal shelter

Olivia Bradshaw, Staff Writer May 14, 2020

While many people spend quarantine watching movies or working out, junior Karen Trevor-Roberts spends her afternoons volunteering at Country Acres Rescue Animal Shelter.  Trevor-Roberts originally...

Freshman Kennedy Silverberg holds her cat Pixie.

Cheap cat “Purrs-Day” at the Humane Society

Sydney Kinzy, PHOTO EDITOR April 15, 2015
The Humane Society has come up with a discount that is practically giving away cats for free.

Should big cats be allowed as pets?

Sydney Kinzy, PHOTO EDITOR October 17, 2014
Recent accidents involving big cats call for action on the issue of big cat ownership.