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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


A student mimics using a juul outside the Juuling Lounge, where a temporary sign has been hung up. “I think that even this flash drive looks cool, you know? I can almost feel the nicotine buzz,” the unnamed student said.

Broken Compass: Administration finally takes action on Juuling epidemic

Maria Newton and Dani Fischer December 6, 2018

Everyone knows this all-too-common scenario: you’re sitting in class, working on a test review, and suddenly you get the itch for nic(otine). You raise your hand to ask to go to the bathroom, but...

All you need to know about gender-neutral bathrooms

All you need to know about gender-neutral bathrooms

Kathryn Harter, Multimedia Editor January 26, 2016
Wondering why places have gender-neutral bathrooms? Here's some quick info about them.