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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The senior boys dress in suits and jerseys to cheer on the Powder Puff competitors. Senior Derrien Gatchel initiated the suit trend last Powder Puff season. “The thought process was [to pretend we were dressing for] a business trip. Since we won last year, we had to do it again this year,” Gatchel said.

Halfway There!

Makinsey Drake, Staff Writer January 19, 2023

Utilizing editing softwares, junior Basil Metroulas creates his own album covers. Metroulas is able to suit the mood of the album at hand through images he found and designed. “I try to have the general aesthetic of the album be represented by the cover, like you can hear the music just by looking at the cover.” (Photo courtesy of Makinsey Drake)

Junior Basil Metroulas releases his fourth at home studio album

Makinsey Drake, Staff Writer January 20, 2022

With four albums released on Spotify and Apple Music, junior Basil Metroulas has produced his own music since middle school. As Metroulas intends on having a career in the music industry, he has been working...

As Joe Biden’s approval numbers continue to plummet, does our school feel the same way?

Biden’s performance: Analysis from a student perspective

Thomas Bruns, Opinions/A&E editor November 15, 2021

I’m sure you’ve probably seen the countless articles on CNN or Fox about President Joe Biden’s plummeting approval rating. Between a botched Afghanistan military withdrawal, an immigration crisis...