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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


“Traveling is my favorite thing to do since my family loves to travel too, and we always visit new places with every opportunity we get. Over spring break, I went to Rosemary Beach in Florida with my friend. My family loves traveling to warm places, so a few of my favorite vacations have been when we visited Jamaica, the Grand Cayman Islands and Mexico. I would describe myself as adventurous, so traveling is extremely exciting to me since I visit places that I only ever get to hear about. When traveling, there’s also no stress of school or anything back home, so it’s like a whole week of fun. Over the Summer, I’m going to be traveling to Alaska, where I get to try bobsledding for the first time, and I’m very grateful I get the opportunity to do something like that.” - Emma Nunnelee, 11

Emma Nunnelee

Angie Ren, Staff Writer May 11, 2023

The Biden administration’s approval of the Willow Project to begin production in Alaska has sparked an uproar of protest on social media within the past month. The green light for such a massive oil drilling project leaves many questioning whether environmental activism is being prioritized at the governmental level. “The Willow Project being approved puts a lot of uncertainty about [the] types of politicians we can trust,” sophomore Amelia Geistler said.

Willow, at what cost?

Risa Cidoni, Editor-in-Chief April 14, 2023

In the past month, the name “Willow” has not been unfamiliar to many across the United States. From thousands of TikToks with the trending hashtag #Stop Willow to a social media petition that raised...