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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Ahmad and Joudi take a quick photo with their mother and older sister, Leena, during the hot air balloon ride. Leena lives in Dubai where she works as an Instagram influencer, and this was their first time seeing her in almost three years. “I was shocked to see her because I hadn’t seen her in so long. When we saw each other, we both kind of ran towards one another,” Joudi said. “She was in Cappadocia for the [music] festival because [a brand] reached out and invited her so that she can post about it.”

Summer Sojourn: senior Ahmad Kaziz and junior Joudi Kaziz vacation in Turkey

Tanvi Kulkarni, Features Editor September 20, 2021

One afternoon in late July, junior Joudi Kaziz and senior Ahmad Kaziz piled into their cousin's car and caught a 13-hour flight from Chicago, Ill. to Qatar, their final destination being Istanbul, Turkey.  The...

Sophomore Ahmad Kaziz works in his math class before school. Kaziz is working towards a career in the medical field by getting good grades in his classes. “The education in America is a lot more competitive than in Saudi Arabia,” Kaziz said. “That’s why I work hard and get help from my teachers every day so I can make the best of the opportunities I have in the United States.”

Sophomore Ahmad Kaziz puts America first to gain better opportunities

Sammy Hildebrand, Convergence Journalism Writer February 18, 2020

Sophomore Ahmad Kaziz and his family made the decision to move to the United States from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, enduring a  21-hour flight that promised a future of educational benefits and the ability...