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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


All content by Kate Roland
“I have always wanted to play a sport that I was good at, and have [a] strong community [within] a team. I hadn’t played a sport since 6th grade so I was very excited when I made C-team lacrosse at tryouts last year. During the eighth practice of the year, I stepped in a hole in the back field [at school] and shattered my ankle. At the time, I felt like my whole team was improving while I had to sit on the sidelines. But as I have grown, I’ve realized that it brought me closer to the people on my team, but especially [my] coaches. It made me realize how close our team really was because they treated each other like family. [If someone is going through the same thing], ask them if they need help. Moving around was hard, getting to class with your bookbag, [and] going up the stairs to your house. [But] my friends were really helpful during this time, making sure I was okay and didn’t need anything. It’s important to keep your friends close to you. Especially when they go through hard times because you never know what they're actually going through.” - Kendall Conway, 10

Kendall Conway

Kate Roland, Staff Writer
September 20, 2023
“My biggest accomplishment was when I placed second at nationals for racquetball. I started playing racquetball in sixth grade because I was passionate about beating my brothers in the sport, and it was just fun. My brothers have played racquetball for years, and they inspired me to start. I did not have a winter sport, so I decided I might try racquetball. I am glad I started because I have found a good community through [the sport]. I met many nice people and made good relationships. I beat someone at state, but when [I played singles], I placed second at nationals, I felt defeated. At nationals, I played both singles and doubles. The people I lost to at nationals — [when I played doubles] were upperclassmen, a senior and a junior. Getting that far as a freshman [was] an accomplishment. Racquetball has taught me that pain is temporary and legends are forever. It is painful, but it is worth it.” - Matt Lancia, 10

Matt Lancia

Kate Roland, Staff Writer
August 28, 2023
“My biggest joys are my family and friends, especially my brother, Miles. [Miles] brings me joy because he is my little brother, and he is a light in my life. [He] is my motivation for a lot of things. I love being around my friends; they make me happy. After school, we hang out or get something to eat and we sit and talk. That's my favorite thing to do, talk to my friends and be around them. We all support one another with everything that we're interested in. Being around my friends brings up my mood whenever I'm sad. The people around me are my passion in life.” - Mya Rangel, 11

Mya Rangel

Kate Roland, Staff Writer
August 23, 2023
“When I was in eighth grade, my grandma passed away. My grandma lived right next to me, and when she passed away, it was very strange to see someone else moving into [her] house. After she passed, my grades started dropping and I took her death very hard. I was very close to my grandma my whole life. As a child, I would go to her house and make chocolate chip cookies; which helped me bond with her. She showed me how important it is to donate and be active in the Church. My grandma helped me grow closer to God because she was very close with Him. She taught me how to be a better person.” - Juli Moellenhoff, 10

Juli Moellenhoff

Kate Roland, Staff Writer
August 22, 2023
“My proudest achievement is making the varsity baseball team as a sophomore. I was very proud of myself when I found out I made the team. Making varsity made me want to work harder to achieve my goals. Each year, I was excited to get after it and work hard. Throughout high school, I held a 4.0 GPA, which I am very proud of. I plan to attend Butler University in the fall; where I will continue my career as a student.” - Benjamin Seavey, 12

Ben Seavey

Kate Roland, CJ1 Writer
June 1, 2023
Lila Kayser

Lila Kayser

Kate Roland, CJ1 Writer
October 21, 2022
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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High
Kate Roland