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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Sweeping progress: ENDA passes in the Senate

Austin Oakes, Editor in Chief November 8, 2013

Back in September of 1996, when the ideological isolation of the country’s two major political parties wasn’t as complete as it is today, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) got 49 votes...

China on the global stage

Austin Oakes, Editor In Chief September 19, 2013

China’s low profile stance in the current Syria crisis has earned it criticism, with some observers blaming the country for not playing a more positive role as a responsible global power.  The oft-cited...

One Nation, under whatever doesn’t offend you?

Jacob Cupps, Editor-in-Chief September 4, 2013

A lawsuit filed by the American Humanist Association in 2010 may soon have widespread repercussions concerning the Pledge of Allegiance, effective Sept. 4. The case, against the Acton-Boxborough School...

Obama’s gambit

Austin Oakes, Editor In Chief August 29, 2013

Images of multiple dead bodies emerged from Syria last week. It was claimed that poison gas killed the victims, with the total numbering in the hundreds.  Others claimed the photos were faked while others...

Watson v. Watson: the great debate over legalization of marijuana

John Watson, Susie Watson, Editor In Chief May 2, 2013

PRO LEGALIZATION: A new generation has begun its reign on politics, and it seems as though an overhaul of changes to the entire government is near. Policies and Ideologies of the past must be re-examined...

Perks of being a West senior

Annie Spewak, Editors in Chief May 1, 2013

While coming up with ideas for this story, we traveled out to our sacred turf. We soaked up some sun, munched on some pretzels and busted out a few profound thoughts. However, we started off writing...

The terrorism scare

Austin Oakes, Opinions Editor April 26, 2013

The hunt for the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing may be over, but the consequences will continue to be felt, affecting everything from the dignity of mainstream politics to the scaremongering about...

A nation of debt

John Watson April 22, 2013

As the nations debt toll continues to rise as it has been since the Bush administration, we await a much-needed change in our current federal spending habits. According to, as of now, the...

Student Talking Point: What do you think about the current situation in North Korea

George Krachenfels, Opinions Editor April 22, 2013

North Korea has caused more nervousness than usual in the international community recently.  American pundits and political figures have a serious case of the jitters.  There is talk by some people that...

A distasteful reality

Nathan Rands, Reporter April 18, 2013

When it comes to the happenings of the world today, people have two choices, to seek information and be informed or to turn a blind eye forward. While newscasters and reporters can bid good-day to the...