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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


“Sophomore year is going pretty well. I like how there's more freedom and electives [that] you can choose rather than freshman-year electives [that are required]. I'm taking Intro to Culinary Arts, German, and Interior Design. Next semester I'm taking Design Arts. A good part of freshman year was my fashion class and [how] we learned how to sew pillowcases and then used a sewing machine. We also learned a little bit about interior design. My favorite part though, was joining the water polo team. I like how it's a tough sport that makes you train really hard, but [also helps to] push yourself so you don't give up easily. My parents kind of dragged me into it. They [suggested] that I should do it, and kind of pressured me a little bit. At first when I joined it, I hated it so much. But then, eventually, I grew to love it.” - Katie Morelli, 10

Katie Morelli

Gabriella Pupillo, CJ1 Writer December 4, 2023

”High school so far has been fun. It's not as stressful and I'm not as nervous as I thought I would be. My favorite part about high school so far has been journalism. I like journalism because it gives you the freedom to use your strengths in different ways. I also enjoy algebra. Not a lot of people like math, but I find it really fun. I have a really good teacher and I think that helps a lot with liking a class. I play golf, soccer, and volleyball. Soccer probably [means the most] because I've played it for a very long time. [It is special] because I can relate to people in my family. My brother plays soccer, my dad used to play and it's fun for the whole family to go watch it or play it together. Something that's important to me is getting good grades because I want to go to college. I want to have the best grades that I can [have] so I can set myself up for success. As of right now, I want to be some sort of photographer. Right now I'm really into concert photography [because] it looks really fun. Photography is special to me because you just get to capture moments in time and you can share things that people don’t get to see.” - Laney Thomas,  9

Laney Thomas

Ramielle Sanna, CJ1 Writer December 1, 2023

“The best thing that you can do for yourself is dress the way you want, talk the way you want, and be as social as you possibly can. Just be as happy, positive, and expressive as possible, love each other, and be confident about that. [A way I express myself is through] art. I'm an artist in so many ways, I work with a bunch of different media. I write songs, I sing in a band, I play the bass, I just really love music. Every person is unique and can be an artist as long as they base their art around their experiences. [My art is about my] childhood, and social experiences [because] I know that can be a really big connector with people who have gone through things like that. I just really love being able to love [on] other people.” - Faith Kothe, 10

Faith Kothe

Britain O’Brien, CJ1 Writer November 30, 2023

“Try your hardest and don’t give up. My parents and friends inspire me the most. My friends keep me happy when I’m at school, and outside of school. My parents give me courage to work through problems and they teach me passion [along] with confidence in my life. There's definitely times when I need them, [but] there are also times when I need one more than the other. A time where I needed them [the] most was when my grandpa died. I needed my friends and family for different moments during that point in my life. I’d say it helped a lot [because] they showed me that they loved and cared for me. I’d like to think [that] I show my friends and family that I [also] care about them. I’m always there if they need to talk to me, and I try to never leave their side [because] you never know what someone is going through. You just have to be patient and [be] positive with people.” - Dylan Davies, 12

Dylan Davies

Alyssa Gessner, Staff Writer November 29, 2023

“I started playing basketball in first grade. I kind of played every sport when I was younger, but basketball has always been the one that stuck with me [for] the longest. Basketball is important to me because pretty much everyone in my family plays basketball, and overall, a very enjoyable sport. I’m definitely excited for basketball season. I’m hoping that we can have a pretty good team this year, win a lot of games, and have a lot of fun. My goal is to get into basketball coaching. A lot of my family is involved in that, and I think that it would be a great career for me. I really like to be a leader, and inspire people. I am really passionate about the game of basketball. Being a senior is so special because [I] get to be [a] leader [in] the school. [I] also get to help out the underclassmen, and it’s [my] last year here so I want to make the most of it, and really enjoy it. It feels great; I’m really happy that I made it through the first three years of high school and get to continue [to] further my education.” - Jamie Franciscus, 12

Jamie Franciscus

Taylor Faintich, CJ1 Writer November 28, 2023

”Sophomore year is going really well. I have gotten so many opportunities this year and [it has been] a big step up from last year. I didn't think that was possible. I [enjoy] playing guitar in [a] jazz band. It has led me to have more guitar [playing] skills. I get to learn how to play good riffs and get more familiar with the fretboard, which is something that I wasn't able to do by myself without a push. I love the guitar because all my idols play it, like Jimi Hendrix [and] anybody who has ever play[ed] guitar, like Rick Rubin. My band teacher has [pushed me] because I wasn’t familiar with any of the [chords] charts. I didn't even even know how to read music before this year, so that was pretty cool just to be forced into that and learn music theory. [Advice I have for new musicians is to] practice as hard as you can build up those calluses. Got to make it hurt and then you’ll be fine.” - Addison Smith, 10

Addison Smith

Emma Barton, CJ1 Writer November 27, 2023

“I’m originally from Milwaukee, Wis. I started out [working] at a retail music store. to pay the bills when I was still back in Milwaukee. I could play piano since I was six and taught myself the guitar and drums. In high school I was in a band, but then I started writing music seriously when I was in college. By the time I finished college, I had enough [music saved up] to make a CD. I went ahead and loaded a CD and started promoting it. [Later] I made another EP which is a shorter [version of a] CD. In the midst of moving to St. Louis, I built a recording studio. By the time I was in St. Louis, I was actually recording a lot of my own stuff, and then I started working with rappers for a while. I was trying to find [an] angle in the music [industry], so I experimented with different things. At the end of the day, I just kind of got burnt out, and I knew that retail didn't have a future for me. So my wife just suggested that I become a teacher. I thought I liked kids, I liked history, and I already had a history degree. I liked the lifestyle of a teacher, so I decided to give it a try and it was a good choice. ” - Aaron Bashirian, History

Aaron Bashirian, history

Isaiah Meese, Yearbook Contributor November 20, 2023

“I'm excited for what the future holds. [Being a professional dancer] gives me a space where I can just be myself and I can transfer [my] emotions to my dance. My favorite [type of] dance is Jazz. It's really fun and there are a bunch of different styles within it. I can do a bunch of a bunch of tricks, [and]  I like turns. I'm most happy [when I’m with] my dance friends because they just get me. We've grown up together, and they're really special to me. My biggest struggle is being a perfectionist, because with being a dancer [I] have to get everything right. [I have to have] the right counts, [and do] the tricks right, so [I] just have to be perfect [in] doing things. My favorite memory is probably [going to] nationals. We won the entire competition. We got first place, and it was really fun, seeing everyone in the audience tear up. We were all so happy, we just forgot about all of our worries.” - Poppi Wright, 11

Poppi Wright

Alexia Neeser, CJ1 Writer November 10, 2023

“I'm more than an athlete. My whole life, I've been known as a serious athlete. I want to do sports management and coaching [in the future] because of how I was influenced by others in the sports that I love. [Although], my life has been all about sports, I want to be known for more of my personality as I get older. My favorite experience is the team atmosphere and all the different experiences and knowledge I’ve gained. I've learned more general life lessons from sports than sitting in a classroom. I’ve learned how to step up and be a leader in the right way. I will forever be grateful for everything sports has taught me.” - Rachel Livak, 12

Rachel Livak

Noor Hacking, Staff Writer November 9, 2023

“[High School] is definitely better than middle school. [I’ve been on] the step team [since middle school]. It’s been around for many years. What [we] do as a team is a form of cultural African American dance that originated in the 1800s to communicate without words. It has been used by sororities and fraternities for 50 plus years. In elementary, they came to perform at my school. So [then] I was interested in it and it made me want to join when I got to sixth grade. My mom has supported me every step of the way since I was in sixth grade. And she intends on doing it until I decide I don’t want to be on the team anymore. I look up to my mother because she has always put 10 toes down [ & devoted herself ] to me, and she just supports me in every way. She always has my back. [Step has] impacted my life, I've made new friends, of course. I've actually learned more by being on the step team. Education wise, it has [even] helped me get my grades up.” - Trent Young, 9

Trent Young

Niharika Vaidya, Staff Writer November 8, 2023